Moms, You're doing better than you think // Encouragement

Alright, fellow mama bear…. I see you and I want you to know that you are doing a great job! 

I know that you are so very thankful for the little blessings in your life, but I can also see how much pressure you are putting on yourself.  But, I’m here to tell you that you are doing a great job!.....

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3 tips for relaxing more with kids in the house // Parenting

Let’s all be super honest here for a minute……

it’s not always relaxing having little ones in the house.  Of course little kiddos are a huge blessing, but not all blessings are easy…. or calm……. or quiet. 

Even the most relaxing of people can get more stressed with little humans running around and not listening.

So if you are a fellow Mama Bear and you are needing a little bit of advice or encouragement to get through the day…

Here are my top 3 tips to relax more with little ones in the home.............

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What the past 10 years of marriage has taught me

This past June, my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage.

It honestly doesn’t even seem like that's possible, but here we are 10 years later.

Marriage is wonderful, but it can be hard at times.  You married your best friend and life is grand, but being honest even your best friend can get on your last nerve sometimes. 

Alright alright, in all fairness I’m sure that I’ve gotten on my husbands nerve a time or two. 

Seriously though… marriage is great and these last 10 year have been a wonderful adventure, full of good times and great lessons.

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