4 ways to make your home cozy

I’m kind of a self-proclaimed homebody. I enjoy being home, having a calm and peaceful place to rest and relax.

Don’t get me wrong; I like to get out… especially if traveling somewhere new or going for a hike, but having a cozy home to come back to is just so comforting.

One of the biggest compliments I get from friends when they come over to our home is, “Your home is just so cozy.” It makes my heart so happy because that’s what we strive for. We want everyone who comes into our home to feel at home. We want them to come in and feel like they can just take a deep breath, sit down and relax.

Making your home cozy isn’t complicated; in fact, it’s pretty simple….

4 ways to make your home cozy:

1) Keep it simple/ simplify

Cut the clutter: This can be one of the biggest game-changers when making your home cozier. Getting rid of clutter will cut down on visual and mental overwhelm and leave more room for living and enjoying your space.

2) Keep it comfy

Blankets and comfy furniture: Add in some extra comfort by having comfortable furniture (you gotta have a good place to chill out) and comfy extras like pillows and blankets stored around your home. Nothing says cozy quite like finding your spot on the couch and cuddling up in a warm blanket.

3) Intentional decorations

Functional but sentimental: Keep your decor functional or sentimental. Don’t fill your shelves and walls up with things that don’t have much meaning to you. Leave some white space and, when possible, decorate with something that you can actually use or that hold sentimental value.

4) All about the lighting

Natural light and candles: Lighting can change the whole mood of a room. Open the blinds, let in some natural light… or light some candles for extra cozy vibes.

It doesn’t take much to make a home cozy. Don’t think of a home as just a place, think of it more of a feeling.

How do you want your home to feel?