Reflecting on 2019.......

We are a few weeks into the New Year, and honestly, I’m still sort of processing 2019.

I wouldn’t say that it was a terrible year, but man, it took a toll on me mentally. I’m just going to be straight up honest… a lot of crappy things happened in 2019, and it left me exhausted both mentally and physically. 

Usually, I’m pretty good at staying positive and seeing the bright side of things, but it was getting tough to do that last year. I still counted my blessings and still had so much to be thankful for, but I felt like there was so much negativity that it was all I could see.

Let’s be honest….. it’s hard to stay positive all the time, especially when a lot is going on. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves that it’s okay not to be completely okay all the time.

It’s okay to take a step back and regroup.

It’s okay to take a break from people or situations that aren’t good for you.

It’s okay to slow down and take time when needed.

It’s okay to change whatever needs to be changed for the betterment of you and your family.

And it’s also okay to start a new, with a fresh perspective.

With all that said, there are a few wonderful things that happened in 2019:

  • My husband and I went on our first little getaway since having kids

  • We were able to visit home (NC) twice

  • We took a family trip to Branson, MO

  • We finally got a truck!!

  • And most exciting…. My little nephew so born and I’m completely smitten!

Now it’s a brand new year, and while I hope it is better than 2019, I know there will be some tough times, and I know we’ll get through it.

I’ll have days when I’m more irritated, days when I’m just blah, days when I’m inspired to do new things and days where I’m just joyful. Through it all, I will count my blessing, love on my people, surround myself with those who inspire me to be better, and strive to be the good.

As far as goals for this new year?….. just like every other year, I have way too many, and it’s unlikely that I will reach them all, and that’s okay. For now, I plan to take one day at a time, keep my eye on the long term goals that are important to my family and me, and to have a good time along the way.

Here’s to a joyful 2020!