Simple things that help me relax

Christy Haygood Blog- simple things to help you relax more

If there is anything that we all need right now, it's more relaxation.

2020 has been an interesting year for sure, with unique challenges, but it's also been a great reminder that slowing down and relaxing is a must!

When we typically think of relaxation, we think of:

an excellent book to read on the sandy beaches of crystal blue waters,

a nice long dinner with no interruptions,

or some time to ourselves to do whatever we would like.

But....reality is that we have responsibilities we have to tend too, and finding those relaxing moments can be challenging.

For me, most of my days are full of taking care of my little ones, homeschooling, and just keeping up with everyday home and family stuff.

Don't get me wrong... I love it so much, but I don't have a ton of time (or space for that matter) to enjoy uninterrupted relaxation time.

I also know that to keep my sanity, I need quick and simple relaxing moments.

I wish I could say that every single day, I can fit in some relaxation time for myself, but let's keep it doesn't always happen.  

However, I have been able to find some very simple things that do bring me joy and a bit of relaxation into my days.

Here are some simple things that help me relax:

  • Enjoying a hot cup of coffee

  • Listening to some good music

  • Jotting down thoughts and ideas

  • Getting outside

  • Taking deep breaths

  • Getting in a stretch

  • Reading a book

  • Lighting my favorite candle

  • Take a hot shower

  • Devotional time

  • Praying (doesn't have to be fancy, more like a casual conversation)

These things may seem so simple, and they are...which is perfect!

As much as I would love to get in some great relaxation time reading a good book on the beach, it's just not a reality for me. However, I also know that getting in those little moments help me so much throughout my days & weeks.

Finding ways to relax doesn't have to take up a lot of time or effort. It could be something as simple as finding a cozy blanket or lighting a candle. What is important is that you are finding ways to help you relax and bring in more joy into your days.

What are some simple things that help you relax?