Which schooling option should I choose?

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Making decisions involving schooling is stressful for most parents when their kids turn school age.... but it's 2020, and almost all parents are re-evaluating what to do this school year.

Some of yall may already know what you are doing whether it's in-person school (if that is an option in your area), online school, or homeschooling, but many are still figuring things out.

I feel very fortunate that we are not having to change up what we are doing. For the past three years, I have been homeschooling my oldest, so we were already in that rhythm.
Lately, I've had quite a few people asking me for advice on homeschooling or just asking questions to see if it's something they may want to do. I'll admit I've been loving homeschool; however, this doesn't mean that I think it's for everyone.

Which schooling option should I choose?!

I wish I could give a magic answer to the best schooling option, but it's not that easy.

The only advice I can give is: Do what is best for you and your family.

If you send your kids to in-person school.... wonderful!... I hope they have a fantastic school year.

If you want them to try virtual school.... awesome!... I'm sure they will find their groove and thrive.

If you want to homeschool... that's great!....it can be a beautiful thing.

We are in a digital age where there are extra pressure and extra judgment, which is very frustrating and flat out annoying. Right now, we just all need extra love, encouragement, and support.

The only right decision in all of this is the decision that you make with your kids and the family's best interest in mind.
As the parent or guardian, you know your kids best...so trust yourself a little more.
As long as the decision is made with lots of love, thought, and prayers...it's going to be the best choice you can make right now, and it's going to be okay.

I know this is a tough time for a lot, so let's remember to be kind and encouraging.

If you do decide to try homeschooling, you can check out some resources I love here.

And if you decided to do in-person or virtual school... I'm rooting for you!

Remember to just make the best decision that you can make right now… that IS the best choice.

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