Blessings that come from military life

It's no secret that military life is not very easy. You often hear about the difficulties that come with the military lifestyle, but lately, I've been thinking about all the blessings that come from it.

Yes.... it comes with challenges. can be super frustrating at times.

But honestly, I think there is a lot of good that can be learned from it, that most people take a lifetime to learn, if at all.

Now, while I think on this list are great lessons learned, I do realize that everyone and every situation is different.

These are just personally some of the things that I have come to appreciate over the years of being a military spouse.

Blessings that come from military life:

  • You get used to changes and adapt pretty easily

    • Getting used to changes was a hard one for me at the beginning of mine and my husband's marriage because growing up, I did not like change at all. But with military life comes a lot of "out of your control" situations, and you must learn to adapt. Of course, it still doesn't make big changes easy, but the more you get used to changes, the easier you can transition through them. 

  • You learn to communicate better with your spouse (if you both work on it)

    • This, for sure, is one of those that can be different for other people. I'm not going to lie... military life can put a massive strain on a marriage. We have seen a good handful of marriages not make it... but if you are BOTH committed to making it work, it can bond you more than ever. Many couples in the military will find themselves being away from each other pretty often, and it provides a great time to learn how to communicate better. Communication is vital to a relationship, especially when under challenging circumstances.

  • You learn to see the good where you are

    • Again, this one can be different depending on people's circumstances....but for my husband and me, there have been many times where we have been stationed in places that we don't care for. When you are living in a town you don't really like, away from most of your own family it can be really hard... but, after a while, you start to find the beauty and the good where you are. The great thing about this is the more you practice seeing the good, the more you will find (not only in the physical location but also in your circumstances).

  • You learn contentment

    • It's no secret that the majority of military members do not get paid very much, and they tend to have less freedom than most in our country, ironically... but, when you learn to make the best of what you have and find joy in it, the more content you become with your life. Being content is something that many will never learn and will never find comfort in. Contentment is the key to a more joyful life.  

  • You realize that you are stronger than you ever imagined

    • With all the deployments, moves, and unknowns...with all the challenges that you face, the stronger you become. You face things that you might not have ever thought about before, and you get through it the best you can... that is something to be incredibly proud of!

Military life comes with plenty of challenges, but it can come with plenty of blessings as well.... you just have to notice them.